When you have an active family, having lush and durable turf grass in your outdoor space is essential. You want grass that can withstand heavy foot traffic, playtime, and various activities while still maintaining its beauty. Here are some of the best turf grass options for an active family:

Bermuda Grass:
Bermuda grass is known for its excellent durability and ability to handle high traffic. It has a rapid growth rate, recovers quickly from damage, and has good heat and drought tolerance. Bermuda grass is also resistant to pests and diseases, making it a great choice for families who spend a lot of time outdoors. Woerner grows TifTuf Bermuda grass.
Zoysia Grass:
Zoysia grass is another popular choice for active families. It has a dense growth pattern, which helps it withstand heavy use and wear. Zoysia grass is also known for its excellent tolerance to heat, drought, and cold temperatures. It requires less mowing and maintenance compared to other grass types, making it a low-maintenance option for busy families. Woerner grows Palisades and Emerald Zoysia grasses.
Kentucky Bluegrass (Cold Weather Variety):
Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool-season grass that is known for its beautiful appearance and ability to recover quickly from damage. It has a fine texture, making it comfortable for activities like playing sports or running barefoot. Kentucky Bluegrass requires regular watering and fertilization to maintain its lush appearance, but it can handle heavy foot traffic and wear. Woerner Colorado grows a 4-Way Kentucky Bluegrass Blend.
Fescue (Cold Weather Variety):
Fescue is a versatile grass that can tolerate a wide range of climates and soil conditions. It has good wear tolerance and recovers quickly from damage. Fescue is also known for its deep root system, which helps it withstand drought conditions. It requires less water and maintenance compared to other grass types, making it a practical choice for active families. Woerner Colorado grows a 90/10 Fescue Blend.
St. Augustine Grass:
St. Augustine grass is a warm-season grass that thrives in hot and humid climates. It has a thick growth pattern, which helps it withstand heavy foot traffic and playtime. St. Augustine grass has good shade tolerance and can recover quickly from damage. It does require regular watering and fertilization to maintain its vibrant green color. Woerner grows Classic St. Augustine.
When choosing the best turf grass for your active family, consider factors such as your climate, soil conditions, and maintenance preferences. It’s also a good idea to consult with a local lawn care expert or nursery to get recommendations specific to your region. With the right turf grass, you can create a beautiful and resilient outdoor space where your family can enjoy countless hours of fun and activities.